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Connecting HR and business outcomes

Connecting HR and business outcomes With over 20 years of experience, AKT has the broadest and most diverse portfolio in HR consulting, as well as Cloud, CX, and CRM solutions. Our insights from hundreds of projects we have been privileged to work on, have led us to a unique approach on employee experience and change in organizations. We will be happy to assist you in the challenges your organization is facing, and give innovative, insights based, service. We collaborate with strategic partners such as GO1, AON, SAP, Qualtrics, Kincentric,and Radford. Bottom line: Whether you are looking for a specific solution or a significant organizational change, we are the place to be.

HR Excellence

We believe that the HR function will maximize the value of the organization, managers, and employees, by generating an operational concepts, practices, infrastructures, and work processes that support the people's strategy. This is led by an attentive HR team with key capabilities.

For more details – Michal Young – Director of Human Resources Excellence

Provided Services:

  • HR Strategy

    Close Support and guidance in analyzing the business strategy and relevant trends of the labor market, to build a “people's strategy” and an operative work plan.

  • HR operating model and structure

    Supporting design, structure, and implementation of HR operating model changes (or other specific fields), to bring value to the organization, managers, and employees while maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of HR.

  • Enhancing HR professionalism

    We offer customized or product-based solutions to improve HR perception, knowledge, and skills using a variety of tools such as:: knowledge communities, mentoring, online courses, and frontal workshops, all led by HR content experts.

  • Employee experience (EX) design

    We believe that an organization that offers the best employee experience , strengthens the employer brand, engagement, and productivity of employees. We accompany clients in a variety of projects ranging from employee experience transformations to improving the employee experience around a specific journey, using unique solutions-based capabilities on diverse customer experience tools.

  • HR processes and systems

    Supporting our clients to identify and define the process and technological infrastructure required for the organization's people strategy using best practices, formulating a multi-year roadmap to support not only the implementation but all stages of the process.

  • HR analytics

    Analysis of insights and metrics in the organization’s HR to leverage business results, identify required interventions and multi-year workforce planning.

Talent management

In an ever changing and competitive world, HR have a crucial influence on the success of their organization. Proper talent management allows organizations to differentiate themselves and maintain their competitive advantage. If in the past companies focused on a limited number of high-potential employees, usually managerial ("Talent for Few" approach), todays organizations must adapt to a point of view that see all employees as a potential talent pool ("Talent for Many"). In addition, organizations need to have the capabilities of measuring the set of competencies required in the world of work in the digital age (an era characterized by many changes, and a fundamental change in the way organizations create value for their customers) and enable employees and teams to develop the required skills. AKT assists its clients in recruiting, retaining, and developing the organizational talent using advanced diagnostic methods, designing unique learning programs for the digital age and a career development system to meet the specific needs of the organization.

For more details – Oren Arbel – Talent Manager

Provided Services:

  • Digital Assessment Tools

    AKT represents the AON Consulting’s digital platform and provides support in implementing a professional and accurate solution for virtual hiring. Including: assessment of cognitive abilities, personality assessment, occupational tendencies, work motivations and values.

  • Executive evaluation

    AKT has an advanced model for executive evaluation. This model provides relevant information to the organization about the candidate's occupational motivations, personal and managerial abilities, and his suitability for the organizational culture. We are able to assist with all of this, while maintaining an optimal customer-candidate experience.

  • Organizational surveys for listening and engagement

    We provide advanced listening solutions based on a deep understanding of the employee experience and the level of engagement of different organizational populations and provide action plans according to the survey analysis results.

  • Talent mapping and managerial succession planning

    Succession planning and talent management includes assessing the abilities and potential of employees and managers, and formulating a strategy for future development that to help meet the organization's current and future challenges. Through mapping and evaluating key employees, we reduce risks and establish a high-quality employee pool that will ensure the success of the organization over time

  • Career management and learning

    In a world where there is competition for talent, organizations that understand the subject of constant development and learning, attract, and retain the most talented and sought-after employees. Learning and career development enables employees to contribute and develop the organization and position themselves as key employees, thanks to the knowledge they have accumulated

  • Performance management

    Goal management, evaluation and feedback help achieve the organization's goals and influence the employee's experience and sense of engagement. We provide guidance for building and implementing an efficient and customized process, which enables the organization to express appreciation and reward employees while also helps to retain, improve, and attract talented employees

Leadership Development

The development of the organization’s management allows both the business and its managers to thrive. We're here to help you inspire the organization's current and future generation of leaders.

For more details – Rami Pinhas, Director of Change Management and Leadership

Provided services:

  • Leadership Development Programs

    Through a unique program that we tailor for each organization separately, and using advanced technological means, it is possible to develop the core capabilities and skills required of the leaders in the organization. These programs include global team development and IDP program.

  • Personal coaching processes for executive managers

    We offer personal coaching to managers who want to develop, maintain high motivational levelslevels, and increase self-awareness of their abilities, advantages, and challenges that stand in the way

  • Leadership Events

    Global events for leaders in the organization create better relationships among managers, enrich them, and help them synchronize with the organization's goals and more.

Compensation and Benefits

Determining wage and incentive plans is a fundamental issue that involves an in-depth understanding of the prevailing wage in a specific industry and the benefits accepted in the market in which they operate. Our strategic partnerships with Aon and Radford enable us to provide global companies with a comprehensive service in every country in which they operate.

For more details – Michal Young – Director of Human Resources Excellence

Provided Services:

  • Rewards and benefits packages

    Support in determining the optimal salary and incentive policy for companies operating in the local and global markets.

  • Radford Surveys

    Our experience shows that companies succeed when they base decisions on analytical data. It is important that you know how much talent earns in a similar position in parallel companies in the country where you operate and what the associated benefits are. That's why we've partnered with Redford, the world's leader in compensation and benefits surveys, and we're providing you with access to the latest and most relevant surveys for you to help you determine your payroll strategy

  • Job Architecture

    Equally important compensation for an employee is how his role is defined and the hierarchy in the organization. We support you in structuring the organization's job architecture, with an overall view of the organizational and employees’ needs.

Organizational change management

Change is a common factor in growth processes, globalization, mergers and acquisitions, digital transformation, CEO replacement, implementation of technological systems and other significant events in the life of the organization. The organization’s ability to successfully manage significant change processes requires an in-depth understanding of change dynamics, and recognition of the set of tools through which it is possible to plan, implement, manage, and monitor the pace and direction of the change progress. HR experts, the entity responsible for the company's human capital, play a key role in the initiation stages, the evaluations, and in the implementation of the change. AKT's experts will be happy to be at your service and contribute from their experience in planning and leading significant change processes of companies in a variety of industries and fields in Israel and abroad.

For more details – Rami Pinhas, Director of Change Management and Leadership

Provided Services:

  • Mergers and acquisitions

    AKT has proven experience in assisting organizations at all stages of the process from due diligence and risk assessment related to human capital, through merger planning, to accompanying the integration process.

  • Organizational structure redesign

    Using proven methodologies, our consultants will help shape the organizational structure while balancing several dimensions including processes, people, compensation, and incentive systems, and interfaces

  • Organizational culture redesign

    The ability to change organizational culture requires a deep understanding of the gap between the existing culture and the desired one, an understanding of the role of leadership in leading the change, and awareness of the complexity of the process

  • Change management as a project

    The AKT team has extensive experience with recommended methodologies and tools for managing change processes including methodologies for integrative planning, change readiness evaluations, task performance tracking, and a dynamic "clock board" to enables ongoing control of progress

  • Organizational communication

    AKT experts design in collaboration with the client, an effective communication strategy, formulate the narrative of change and build dedicated communication plans for the various target audiences in the organization

Outplacement Services

AKT has extensive experience in accompanying organizations, employees, and managers, managing a proper dismissal process that includes four pillars: a proper structured process planning. A reliable, consistent and clear organizational channeling plan, defined departure packages for the dismissed employees and a defined plan for retaining the employees who remain employed

For more details – Esther Elkayam

Provided services:

  • Consulting and supporting the organization, HR team and management

    Providing tailored advice and guidance to each organization, to effectively manage the employees’ separation process. This is meant to minimize the risks facing an organization during a period of uncertainty (a prolonged decline in productivity, risk of damage to the employer brand, loss of critical talent and risk of lawsuits by dismissed employees).

  • Dismissal Mentoring Program: From Outplacement to Active Placement

    Many companies understand the importance of providing real support to employees from the organization to enable them to recover quickly and maintain the positive image of the organization in the eyes of those who remain. Our personal occupational accompaniment program has proven to be extremely effective.

  • Comprehensive career counseling

    We help employees rebuild their resumes and social media profiles, acquire needed skills for successful job processes such as interviews and screening processes, manage efficient networking, and succeed in negotiating employment terms. At the same time, we link them to opportunities and jobs through hundreds of recruiters and employers we work with.


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