Frische Ideen von AKT-Experten, die Ihnen helfen, der digitalen Transformation einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

Vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen HR-Manager heute? von Maurice Schilken, Managing Director AKT DACH [VIDEO]Do these challenges sound familiar to you? ???? Nowadays, HR managers have to have many things in mind in their daily business. Provide data, find and manage the right talent and most of all, to provide the best HXM possible. This doesn’t need to be solved alone, with our help we can bring your HR … Continued

Die Bedeutung von Feedback – Employee Experience von Maurice Schilken, Managing Director AKT DACH [VIDEO]Die Bedeutung von Feedback kann nicht genug betont werden. Aber hören Arbeitgeber immer zu und, was noch wichtiger ist, handeln sie entsprechend? ???? Mit unseren Lösungen können Sie das Feedback Ihrer Mitarbeiter in die Tat umsetzen und die Mitarbeitererfahrung insgesamt verbessern!

Adjusting your Employee Experience (EX) program in times of crisisIn times of organizational crisis and change, the company looks to their HR leaders for guidance and reassurance. This is especially the case, now, given the disruptions associated with COVID-19 and the related economic crisis.So how can HR and employee experience (EX) leaders help their organizations appropriately manage employees’ experiences during these trying times?

Anwendungsmanagement und Support
Rivulis Digital HR Strategy with SuccessFactors and AKTYael CHOPRA, Global Human Resources Director at Rivulis, agreed to share her digital HR strategy and explains how the HR SuccessFactors digital platform was selected and implemented, and what external support they chose to rely on.

Gal Mozes, Director, OD Sensing and Analytics, from Teva continues our video series and gives you some interesting insights as she gave everyone at this year’s Employee Experience Summer Launch. How are you using data to understand your employees better ❓

Gehaltsabrechnung & Vergütung
SAP RESET Podcast: Für eine positive Zukunft mit RivulisFor SAP podcast episode of Reset, AKT and our client Rivulis, talk best practices in SAP SuccessFactors implementation during Coronavirus.