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Webinar /

On-Demand Webinar: SuccessFactors 2H 2022 New Release Update

This SAP SuccessFactors 2H 2022 Release webinar covered the most relevant updates and notable fixes in the SAP SuccessFactors HXM suite.

Webinar /

On-demand: THE CANDIDATE EXPERIENCE: how to attract the best candidates... And keep them!

60-minute webinar, to learn: - Methods your talent acquisition teams can employ right now to increase inclusion and engagement in your recruiting processes. - How to measure and improve



€ Free

Webinar /

On-Demand: SAP SuccessFactors LMS, PMGM, Succession, Work Zone, Succession & Qualtrics 2H21 Release

Discover the latest SAP SuccessFactors upgrades and updates for 2H 2021 in just 45-minutes, brought to you from AKT's certified and experienced global consultants! Watch anytime, any place.


Webinar /

On-Demand: SAP SuccessFactors Core HR, Recruiting, Onboarding, Reporting and Platform 2H21 Release

Discover the latest SAP SuccessFactors upgrades and updates for 2H 2021 in just 45-minutes, brought to you from AKT's certified and experienced global consultants! Watch anytime, any place.


Říj 21
Core HR and Payroll with SAP SuccessFactors /
Talent Management with SAP SuccessFactors /
Webinar /

SAP Midmarket Summit UK & Ireland 2021

The unique 360° interactive experience enables you to create your own journey, tailored for you and your business challenges. Along the way, you can engage with live speakers and interact in real time

UK and Ireland

9:30 - 16:30 GMT

€ Free